One mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi...
Hey... today is a very fruitful day for choosing one of a number of rhetorical symbolistic features to explore in my blog. Today is Father's Day. Today is the longest day of the year. Today is the first day of summer. Today is a gorgeous day weather wise. Today is Sunday. Today is the first Sunday Val is unemployed. Today is the final day of Denny's ritualistic Ridger Cup. Today is supposed to be the final day of the US Open. Today is the best I have felt since my wreck on May 06. Take your pick. Which symbolic feature should I explore in our CLP blog.
You know what? I won't explore any of those features. Father's Day would be the most valuable to chew on for a paragraph or two, or, summer's first/longest day, but I think we should venture somewhere else. Do you feel adventourous for this post? How about if I don't even explore our fruitful Sunday? Let us go to another day. How about Friday? O Ya, Friday.
Windy Friday!! I woke up to gale force winds, in the middle of the night, howling outside my window. The lightning bolts illuminated the darkness of the room, accompanied by thunderous boomers that
shook the house in the wee small hours of Friday morning. There was no point sleeping with all the racket, so I found myself counting off the seconds between the webbed lightening flashes through my window, and the thunder crashing in my ears. I quickly calculated the time into distance, and tracked the formation of the sqall in my head. The lake was mustering up one hell of a storm, was my summarized theory.

Well....the dawn proved my theory to be conclusive. The evidence was apparent in my driveway. The big ole pine tree had blown over and was suspended on the hydro lines like it was an inebriated sister to the telephone pole stationed on the property line. My beloved Val called the utility service and they dispatched a crew to rescue the wires from the overbearing branches of my tree. I now have enough firewood to supply the fire pit for the entire summer. Happy Father's Day. LOL
I'll be in touch.
You know what? I won't explore any of those features. Father's Day would be the most valuable to chew on for a paragraph or two, or, summer's first/longest day, but I think we should venture somewhere else. Do you feel adventourous for this post? How about if I don't even explore our fruitful Sunday? Let us go to another day. How about Friday? O Ya, Friday.
Windy Friday!! I woke up to gale force winds, in the middle of the night, howling outside my window. The lightning bolts illuminated the darkness of the room, accompanied by thunderous boomers that
Well....the dawn proved my theory to be conclusive. The evidence was apparent in my driveway. The big ole pine tree had blown over and was suspended on the hydro lines like it was an inebriated sister to the telephone pole stationed on the property line. My beloved Val called the utility service and they dispatched a crew to rescue the wires from the overbearing branches of my tree. I now have enough firewood to supply the fire pit for the entire summer. Happy Father's Day. LOL
I'll be in touch.