Spinning Greener Grass
So like I am shovelling out the car from a drift at the lane where the mail box stands just before the road, FOR the third time today………when is it going to end???? Now I have to rush Val to work at the Kingsville grocery. Lets see, that means I have to revisit the drift on my return, and, one more round trip to retrieve Val after her shift. Oy-Ya-Yoy.
I read somewhere, where spin-doctors were trying to remedy the “global warming” hysteria by re-coining the phrase to “climate change”. I tend to agree with the word smithies that love to hoodwink the masses with spinning the truth (or “Greenwashing” as its come to be known). I am hard pressed to believe there is a warming incline of Mother Nature’s planet.
Speaking of greenwashing….BBC reported last week that Virgin Atlantic has flown a jumbo jet from London to Amsterdam fuelled by bio fuel derived from a mixture of Brazilian babassu nuts and coconuts. But is this really green progress, or just greenwashing? Virgin Atlantic called the flight a "vital breakthrough" for the airline industry. "This pioneering flight will enable those of us who are serious about reducing our carbon emissions to go on developing the fuels of the future." But environmentalists had a different take, calling it a "gimmick," and a publicity stunt. Greenpeace called it a "high-altitude greenwash," saying, "Instead of looking for a magic green bullet, Virgin should focus on the real solution to this problem and call for a halt to relentless airport expansion." Another environmental source hinted the acreage required to grow the bio-source to supply the fuel would require half the pastureland in Britain.
That brings to mind, the mysterious equanimity of nuclear energy and their volatile reactors (remember Three Mile Island and Chernobyl??) How is it that nuclear power, now, almost seems “attractive”. In this age of business models that increasingly demand the principle of doing more with less (did you see the news about the largest US airline that flew planes knowing the fuselages were cracked), who the hell wants to see a spike of nuclear reactors. To this day, nuclear reactor producers have ignored the catastrophic exposure of nuclear radiation in the event of a meltdown. The industry has never addressed the release of over 90% of the reactors radiation in the event of a meltdown. General Electric's power industry division, G
E Energy, is set to launch a greenwashing blitz in five European countries, including the United Kingdom (uh-ohh, there go the corporate PR tracking alarms). The centrepiece of the campaign will, according to PR Week, be an "aggressive green strategy" including the promotion of new GE technologies. GE is one of the largest global producers of nuclear power reactors that cannot fully contain a radiation leak from a meltdown. Greenwashing or brainwashing…better go get my shovel. Its time to go.
I read somewhere, where spin-doctors were trying to remedy the “global warming” hysteria by re-coining the phrase to “climate change”. I tend to agree with the word smithies that love to hoodwink the masses with spinning the truth (or “Greenwashing” as its come to be known). I am hard pressed to believe there is a warming incline of Mother Nature’s planet.
Speaking of greenwashing….BBC reported last week that Virgin Atlantic has flown a jumbo jet from London to Amsterdam fuelled by bio fuel derived from a mixture of Brazilian babassu nuts and coconuts. But is this really green progress, or just greenwashing? Virgin Atlantic called the flight a "vital breakthrough" for the airline industry. "This pioneering flight will enable those of us who are serious about reducing our carbon emissions to go on developing the fuels of the future." But environmentalists had a different take, calling it a "gimmick," and a publicity stunt. Greenpeace called it a "high-altitude greenwash," saying, "Instead of looking for a magic green bullet, Virgin should focus on the real solution to this problem and call for a halt to relentless airport expansion." Another environmental source hinted the acreage required to grow the bio-source to supply the fuel would require half the pastureland in Britain.
That brings to mind, the mysterious equanimity of nuclear energy and their volatile reactors (remember Three Mile Island and Chernobyl??) How is it that nuclear power, now, almost seems “attractive”. In this age of business models that increasingly demand the principle of doing more with less (did you see the news about the largest US airline that flew planes knowing the fuselages were cracked), who the hell wants to see a spike of nuclear reactors. To this day, nuclear reactor producers have ignored the catastrophic exposure of nuclear radiation in the event of a meltdown. The industry has never addressed the release of over 90% of the reactors radiation in the event of a meltdown. General Electric's power industry division, G
