What's that eagles tune??
"Well it looks like we are going to have a white Christmas after all," Kevin said, "it finally feels like Christmas", regarding the heavy snowfall on the drive to his work this morning. That is pretty much typical for a Winnipegger that's moved to Essex County. I remember the first Xmas I had herein Windsor Essex County, and it snowed Xmas eve. Sweet Pea Valerie and I were in some kinda funk that we were going to have to experience a green Xmas (which is a bitter sweet phenomena for Winnipeggers, because, we dream of such a thing when living in the prairies, but go into culture shock when thrust into a green Xmas). I remember my folks saying, "it might be a green Xmas this year", when the snow had not yet arrived, on the prairies, at November's end. Have no fear of that, was going through our youthful prairie minds.

Speaking of youthful...its my mother's birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday Ma (do I recall an earlier blog regarding a gauntlet of December b-days..LOL). Photog credit to Val on her trip to Winnipeg last month.

I was driving over the heated bridge (circa 2007, perpetrated to be the first of its kind in North America) spanning the local Cedar Creek (a good fishing hole by personal testimoney) when Kevin yelled "is that a bald eagle?" Sure nuff it was. We have an eagles nest high up in a tree, not far from the creek, that all the locals proudly point out on any drive by, when the trees are absent of summers leaves. Nevertheless, I have never made an actual sighting of the glorious creature in the nest vicinity until then. Native North Americans believed the thunderbird, a mythical super eagle, was responsible for creating thunder and lightning by beating its wings. (The eagle mosaic is credited to Crayola master artist Don Marco.)
Speaking of youthful...its my mother's birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday Ma (do I recall an earlier blog regarding a gauntlet of December b-days..LOL). Photog credit to Val on her trip to Winnipeg last month.

I was driving over the heated bridge (circa 2007, perpetrated to be the first of its kind in North America) spanning the local Cedar Creek (a good fishing hole by personal testimoney) when Kevin yelled "is that a bald eagle?" Sure nuff it was. We have an eagles nest high up in a tree, not far from the creek, that all the locals proudly point out on any drive by, when the trees are absent of summers leaves. Nevertheless, I have never made an actual sighting of the glorious creature in the nest vicinity until then. Native North Americans believed the thunderbird, a mythical super eagle, was responsible for creating thunder and lightning by beating its wings. (The eagle mosaic is credited to Crayola master artist Don Marco.)