361 days till Xmas (circa December 29th)
I got a call the other day from my friend Peter Kydd, a rail worker here in Windsor, asking if I was going home to Winnipeg for Xmas this year. "No" I said, "staying home this year". Winter storms are wreaking havoc
on Xmas travellers this year, eh? Once we caught up on the rail gossip he signed off. The next 24 hours seemed to include a kaleidiscope of the harshness of Old Man Winter. Its started snowing outside and it seemed to be a string of crappy weather from coast to coast. I had hoped it settled down before Boxing Day. I got my eye on some sales.
BRB...gotta get the shovel and do the sidewalk....
.....no sooner had I shovelled the walk, and, Xmas came and went, the weather m
an changed the forecast from snow to rain. The snow disappeared, that covered the electrical cord to the lights in the little tree in my back yard, and is laying like a long orange snake (see pic on the right) winding through the yard feeding off my outside plug. Well, we had a white christmas and we are going to have a green New Year . Like if I had known the snow was just doing a quick fly by I would have left the shovel alone.
Anyhow it made for a good weekend with the usual Christmas hockey tournaments and weather outside was 14C. Folks out here kinda rely on Xmas hockey tournaments to provide relief for the stress of Xmas (see the headlines in todays Windsor Star : http://www.windsorstar.com/Sports/Hockey+tournament+draw/1118913/story.html).
I must say, it is a novel concept that works really really well. I was tipped off about the local tournament in Leamington that my neighbours son Austen was registered in. It was fantastic. Sunday evening found me cheering and hollering when his team finished first in the round Robin and finished the playoffs in the championship game. The game went to sudden death and the spectators (especially parent and grandparents) expended more energy and emotion than the players. Talk about stress relief. LOL. I will include a short video clip of the championship game when my provider returns my highspeed (satellites have been wonkers with these storms). I am blogging this on dial up and the pictures took forever, so, the video would be endless to upload from d/u.
Oh, by the by, those boxing day sales I mentioned earlier, were never realized.....no 52 inch flat screen HDTV for me this year. *BooHoo* Nonetheless, I am already planning for next year.....only 361 days to go.
Just a quick Happy Birthday to my Pops....on December 30th. If you read this intime, for those who have his phone number, give him a call, eh! If you need his number give me a call, eh! or post a comment.
In closing, let me wish everyone a Happy New Year. Be well, be safe and be good. Peace out. Bryon
BRB...gotta get the shovel and do the sidewalk....
.....no sooner had I shovelled the walk, and, Xmas came and went, the weather m
Anyhow it made for a good weekend with the usual Christmas hockey tournaments and weather outside was 14C. Folks out here kinda rely on Xmas hockey tournaments to provide relief for the stress of Xmas (see the headlines in todays Windsor Star : http://www.windsorstar.com/Sports/Hockey+tournament+draw/1118913/story.html).
I must say, it is a novel concept that works really really well. I was tipped off about the local tournament in Leamington that my neighbours son Austen was registered in. It was fantastic. Sunday evening found me cheering and hollering when his team finished first in the round Robin and finished the playoffs in the championship game. The game went to sudden death and the spectators (especially parent and grandparents) expended more energy and emotion than the players. Talk about stress relief. LOL. I will include a short video clip of the championship game when my provider returns my highspeed (satellites have been wonkers with these storms). I am blogging this on dial up and the pictures took forever, so, the video would be endless to upload from d/u.
Oh, by the by, those boxing day sales I mentioned earlier, were never realized.....no 52 inch flat screen HDTV for me this year. *BooHoo* Nonetheless, I am already planning for next year.....only 361 days to go.
Just a quick Happy Birthday to my Pops....on December 30th. If you read this intime, for those who have his phone number, give him a call, eh! If you need his number give me a call, eh! or post a comment.
In closing, let me wish everyone a Happy New Year. Be well, be safe and be good. Peace out. Bryon