Pre-Happy Birthday Gar
Hi all,
The weather has been very kind to us for fall. Kev's fiancee Audra is visiting for a few days. Val suggested we go camping so we camped out on the weekend and did an overnight er at the local campground.
I just got back from gassing up the bike. I promised Audra a ride and all that
s left to keep that promise is gettin her on the pad and crackin the throttle.

Its the Gars birthday next week so I got to get a card in the mail (can you s[pot him on the drums at Union school?).
I had a great time at the charity golf tourney I attended last week. They made $100K for Alzheimer's research. Nonetheless, its always nice to see how some of the priveleged class lives, but nuff about that for now. C ya all layer.
Hugz... to you and yours!
Da Gar