Don't tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you travelled.
Happy October to all my golf buddies and winter friends.
I am getting in the last few good weather golf days in Essex County before heading to Winnipeg next week. I met some new golf friends and renewed old ones. I have a fully slated week of teetimes and close out Saturday with a reverse scramble golf tournament and banquet and a Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday with my host family. They have been so gracious and kind for the last 5 weeks it will be hard to say goodbye but goodbye I must OR as my grandkids so prophetically say "see you later". Goodbyes are so much easier that way.
I see snow in the forecasts in Manitoba so I hope I dont have to raise a shovel or a scarf before I fly out to Asia. I do hope I get a few golf days in with my cousin Archie Grift before the snow falls. As Buddha says "Do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind in the present moment." My brother asked me to house-sit for him and Gloria while they go state-side for a holiday.
My condo was already opened and prepared for me last week. I get daily video calls with my dear friend Kunyanee Chantawong counting down the days before I set foot in Bangkok. I do look so forward to spending another winter there. I bought some livestock through her family and look forward to seeing how everything fared. I dont intend to spend another rainy season there but I do want to renew my licenses and my retirement visa before my return. My friend and I want to holiday in Phuket or Koh Samui during the winter just because the islands are so idyllic.

I see snow in the forecasts in Manitoba so I hope I dont have to raise a shovel or a scarf before I fly out to Asia. I do hope I get a few golf days in with my cousin Archie Grift before the snow falls. As Buddha says "Do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind in the present moment." My brother asked me to house-sit for him and Gloria while they go state-side for a holiday.
