Cuz I'm leaving on a jet plane...c'mon, sing along, eh?

Good Day eh (circa Bob and Doug McKenzie, eh)!!!

I just spent the morning cooking up some pasta gravy. It seems we have an abundance of tomatoes piling up on the counter so I fired up the cook stove and filled a pot with my secret recipe for pasta sauce and have a 10 litre pot simmering with red gold. Yummy.

Its nice to be back at home.... my post-retired colleagues asked me to attend a hearing in Montreal this week. I got home after midnight Monday after catching the red-eye flight into Windsor. It was nice to see Montreal (especially Old Montreal) again after being "away from the action" for the summer, but I don't miss the travelling.

I was sitting in PET airport waiting to board my flight home , when I heard somebody shouting "BRYON" from the walkway. "I thought you were retired?" came the query from one of the VIA Rail bargaining team members stationed in Vancouver, who was en route home. I stumbled for an answer, when , sitting at the gate, it seemed like I had never left. Anyhow.... this blog was initiated several years ago to distract me from the drudgery of work, and, I digress.
The timer is shrieking so I better get to my sauce. Kevy and my beloved Val are both at work and I want to have this sauce packaged and frozen before they get home. Ohhhhh its such a tough life, eh?


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