She said yes
Lets seeee, whats new since our last gab? The house is almost fully painted, the bike is out of the shop, I scored an Arnold Palmer putter for 50 cents, my beloved Val is cuter than ever, and, I have a new daughter in law. Well almost. Kevin (my son) proposed to his hunney while her and her sons were visiting us from Boston. Audra was whisked to t
he back yard one evening and on the shores of Lake Erie, Kevy asked her to be his wife. She said yes, and, that all but guaranteed a tearful goodbye when the visit was done.
Chez Valyon on the Lake was a respite of vibrant resonance and activity with the guests. Shane is 8 years old and Davey is 12 months so I got to relive my old habits acquired when I was a single parent with my boyz. I can still whip up a lunch or dinner in under 30 minutes with limited resources in a flash while doing laundry and wiping sticky fingers...LOL.
Chez Valyon on the Lake is a mecca for filling the day with adventures as long as the weather is cooperative, AND the weather was gorgeous. We filled in 10 days with an assortment of activities like swimming, festivals, fishing, camping, touring, BBQ, sightseeing, motorcycling, and housekeeping.....lots of housekeeping. I forgot what its like to have to bundles of energy whirling through the domicile 24/7. My beloved Val was a real trooper through it all.
It all came to an end after 10 days and it was a shock to me when all of a sudden I realized, after driving the new daughta in law to the Detroit airport to fly home to Baston (did you detect my new found accent....LOL), that I HAD TO SAY GOODBYE TO THE BOYZ. I went all verklumpt up when my hand refused to release Shane's arm to head for the plane. I cant imagine how Kevin felt when they said goodbye before jumping in the car with me.
Anyhow....its back to regular retired life sooo I gotta go. I have an 11:30 tee time this morning.