Maple Leaf forever, Not on your life.

Hey that's it for August, eh? Man that was fast. No worries though, cuz the season lingers here until October. Good thing, I have put less than 200 kilometers on the bike. I have put more miles on the mountain bike this summer. Its been an outdoorsy kind of summer. I even got my beloved Val out camping.

It seems like we had company all summer, what with working with the landlord and family to cut down the overgrown trees, and, family and friends dropping by in July and August. Kevin got a job at a greenhouse here this week so it looks a though Kevy will stay with Val and I for a spell. Val and him are "thick as thieves" so I`ll have to be on my toes.

Wassup with this listeria epidemic. Over two hundred recalls of meat with announcements of more to come, and, closing in on a dozen deaths in Canada??
Holy Moly, and I thought I had the privilege of patronizing a brand that deserved my business, when, it appears they are all the same Corporation. Bullocks on that. When I think about it though......I recall reading about mergers and acquisitions of meat processing giants, like Maple Leaf, Burns, Schneider's, Compliments, etc. which would logically mean that its all originates from the same supplier. I guess that is why "branding" has become such a multi-billion dollar industry (have you noticed Bell's new logo since the BCE merger and text charges ripoff). In my opinion, business models utilize the money they save on consolidating production costs (reducing workers) on consultants for psychologically deceptive branding. Product (or corporate) image has to be earned, not stolen.

Its no longer about the servicing of a loyal and faithful customer, BUT making a loyal and faithful customer believe you are servicing them. I am telling you, business ethics (I guess that's why business academics now call it governance) no longer exist, UNLESS YOU BELIEVE THEY DO. I don't. I'll see you at the local butcher.


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