How about that Grey Cup game??

Remember remember the month of November, and the Gunpowder Treason and Plot..or at least the last week. Man it has been hairy out there in newsland. Tiger holes himself up at home after wiping out at fire hydrant and hitting a wood (uh-hum) hazard and "because of his silence, Tiger will become a laughing stock in the eyes of his audience, and so will the products he endorses".
Latest report from US Senate claims Osama Bin Laden was found a month after 9/11 in Afghanistan and lost to Pakistan while US is going to send in more troops. CN checkmated the Teamsters into a strike so the Canadian government will do their bargaining and become the latest enabler allowing CN's chronic predatory employee abuse to continue. OMG..Saskatchewan gave away the Grey Cup. University of Calgary gave away the Vanier Cup. Four cops gunned down in Washington state. Serena Williams, Iran nuclear capabilities, health care, jobs, China, blood gold in Africa, Walmart..whew.

I am glad the month is over. Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus..oh wait, I havent started my Xmas shopping!! Hmm and come to think of it, its my beloved Val's birthday on Sunday and we have company coming to stay for the weekend. I also have appointments for my shoulder on the 10th (same day as Vannessa's birthday) and a booking on the 12th and I plan to drive to Boston, doc permitting, around the 15th for a few days, and Ma's birthday on the 18th. Owww! That pretty much makes my Xmas right around the corner.. whew.

Well, I had planned to accompany a comment with each of news breaks I itemized for November but, I really really used up my editorial space with some of the plans in the month of December. Dad's birthday is the 30th..and whew.

I'll be in touch.


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