A Canadian going rogue!

Hey there!! Its been a while since we chatted on the blog. I just have not felt the urge to blog for almost a month. I hedge posted earlier in the month with a pasted November 11 memorial service out of the Winnipeg Free Press, but whenever I started to sign in to CLP site, I just lost the blogitis that usually settles over me, until I shake it off doing the last spell check while the jpegs files are downloading. Is that blogger block??

The news hasn't changed outside of the evolution of the issues that have been front and centre for about a year. My curiosity was spiked today when I read an article that elevated (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/blogs/bureau-blog/dions-wife-goes-rogue/article1372858/) Canadian politics to the heightened drama of US sensationalist politics. The article, called "Dion's wife going rogue?", relayed the story about a politicians better half getting tagged as a rogue when she critiqued her hubby's short lived career after a coup d'etat in Canada's Liberal Party. The journalist apparently leaned on the US sensationalism in Sarah Palin politics and her new book "GOING ROGUE" to foster some heightened interest in the story. The absolutely intriguing article was alluring and absolutely riveting when it reported on these heralded revelations by the politicians wife, were indiscriminately posted on her Facebook page. Her comments of her husbands political tenure and his party's demise, as the leader of the Liberal party, was totally fascinating in terms of somebody so personally involved with a public persona and her total absence of objectivity surrounding the applicable electoral arena.

I encountered her husband once in the Montreal airport and frankly, in a matter of minutes I concluded, his character was never going to demonstrate or sustain the stature and personality to project the strength and fortitude to garner the presence and charisma the electronic medium attracts and demands in today's political campaigns and challenges.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to imply the absence of intelligence or stamina or integrity is politically harming, although Lord knows it didn't hurt Bush, but Liberal patriots and academic historians should soundly criticize the Liberal Party for the political gamesmanship that snuck M. Dion right up the middle to the leadership position, when, candidates that were dropped from the ballots ganged up on the two front runners, Mr. Ignatief and Mr. Rae, elevating the mild and meek, but well-read, Stephane Dion to inherit the leadership. I dont know that they would fare any better, but politicians, and their strategists, have to be acutely aware of the importance of appearances and presence in the new millenium of cyber electronics effects. Notwithstanding, my hat is off to Madame for demonstrating her passion and loyalty to her husband, her politics and her expertise with Facebook. Now that is going rogue!

Now having said that, I just found it "bloggerly" refreshing to finally discover some journalism reporting on an aspect of Canadian politics that were, in my opinion, more interesting and heartfelt than the melodramatic and startling American sound-bytes that streams by us every day.

I'll be in touch.


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