Dr. Strangelove asked "unt vat side do you drive a sub?"
"Whatcha do on this GLORIOUS day Off?" popped up on my MSN from Gerry Desharnais.
Well, I slept in, which is no big deal when retired. After having my morning coffee, I drove my beloved Val to work and headed out to meet my retired railway comrade, John, for coffee in Blenheim (the cherry capital of Ontario...you hear that Ma..CHERRYS).
I drove down the winding Hwy #3 that snakes along the Erie shore from Leamington right to, well, I turned off at Blenheim, eh, but the scenic road goes a lot further. I promised to make the rendezvous no later than 14ooh (u-hum...railway time for railway compadres) and I was 2 minutes early. Anyhow, after a couple coffees we contemplated strolling through the county liquidation store when I mentioned it was a holiday and businesses were closed.
"Holiday??" said John. Oh ya, I love being retired. LOL.

So, did you read about the two European submarines getting into a fender bender in the Atlantic Ocean. Is this indicative of how stealth technology can get so proficient, when two monstrous 20,000 ton metal submersibles barrel into each other? It is almost comical except for the mental image of 32 nuclear missiles collectively on board along side the two nuclear power plants, all streaming along the oceanic depths.... BLIND to each other. How many of these "booby" traps are diving around out there? For those of you over 30, how Dr. Strangelove is that?? Or in this case, are they right hand or left hand drive? ROFLMAO.