Meltdowns are all relative
Hummmm.....just reading my last blog post and wondered why I had never mentioned it was my Thanksgiving post??? Oh ya, I got all twisted up over crony capitalism.....or what I like to call "Dixie Chick stigma", but that's another story for some other forum.
Speaking of meltdowns, I had a meltdown on Thursday last. I booked a foursome on the local golf course I frequent and fully expected to blow my game through the roof (and my partners) after several games of sub 20 handicap strokes alongside hours of practising short game fundamentals. WELL, triple bogey, triple bogey, double bogey, quadruple bogey start and blow me down. On that pace, I was destined for the worse game of the year and so much for my expectations of grandeur. They were purely delusional...LOL
One partner, attempted consoling me, when, after enduring my whining and griping about practicing all week for naught, said to me, "even Ben Hogan said that there is such a thing
as golfing too much". I guess, but I harboured visions of so much more. After several gracious tutorial huddles by my friendly cohorts, and no apparent relief from my collapsing game (or my behavior), my friend Joe, after performing a quick scorecard tally, offered, "well Bryon, you' re still beating me by 4 strokes".

Now this, after I had carded 2 tens at the turn, and still had 3 holes to truly heartfelt and, well, downright philanthropic. I hacked and swooshed my way through the round and asked for their company next week to forgive my trespasses.
They agreed, and I will try to do better next week. Whatever the meltdown may entail, I wish such friends on everyone, in these difficult times. With that, consider this my thanksgiving post. Happy belated Thanksgiving.
And to Gar....Did you save me some turkey, man? You havent answered on IM. TTFN.