
Showing posts from August, 2008

Maple Leaf forever, Not on your life.

Hey that's it for August, eh? Man that was fast. No worries though, cuz the season lingers here until October. Good thing, I have put less than 200 kilometers on the bike. I have put more miles on the mountain bike this summer. Its been an outdoorsy kind of summer. I even got my beloved Val out camping. It seems like we had company all summer, what with working with the landlord and family to cut down the overgrown trees, and, family and friends dropping by in July and August. Kevin got a job at a greenhouse here this week so it looks a though Kevy will stay with Val and I for a spell. Val and him are "thick as thieves" so I`ll have to be on my toes. Wassup with this listeria epidemic. Over two hundred recalls of meat with announcements of more to come, and, closing in on a dozen deaths in Canada?? Holy Moly, and I thought I had the privilege of patronizing a brand that deserved my business, when, it appears they are all the same Corporation. Bullocks on that. When I thin...

She said yes

Lets seeee, whats new since our last gab? The house is almost fully painted, the bike is out of the shop, I scored an Arnold Palmer putter for 50 cents, my beloved Val is cuter than ever, and, I have a new daughter in law. Well almost. Kevin (my son) proposed to his hunney while her and her sons were visiting us from Boston. Audra was whisked to t he back yard one evening and on the shores of Lake Erie, Kevy asked her to be his wife. She said yes, and, that all but guaranteed a tearful goodbye when the visit was done. Chez Valyon on the Lake was a respite of vibrant resonance and activity with the guests. Shane is 8 years old and Davey is 12 months so I got to relive my old habits acquired when I was a single parent with my boyz. I can still whip up a lunch or dinner in under 30 minutes with limited resources in a flash while doing laundry and wiping sticky fingers...LOL. Chez Valyon on the Lake is a mecca for filling the day with adventures as long as the weather is cooperative, AN...

Happy Birthday Kevy

Helloooo or Yooooo Wassup as the hip-hop crowd say?? Its been a full week. Kevin arrived just over a week ago. I hardly recognized him getting off the plane. He was so skinny last time I saw him. Gramma had him well fed and looking..... well, as the neighbour quipped as we observed Kev painting the lawn shed, and I referred to Kevy as the little guy, "he isn't so little". LOL He is a good worker and he has been finishing a steady stream of chores since he arrived. We squeeze in some R&R most every day.....but his idea of R&R is much different than mine. Val and I have put miles and miles on the mountain bikes (the neighbour lent us a bike for Kevy) with Kevy insistance we "go for a bike ride" whenever there is a "dry time" or "wait time" in his schedule. I find myself choking up every now and then, when, my mind takes me to regretting the time I gave to work rather than my Boyz. It takes a second to give my head a shake and snap mysel...

Bring yer sticks when you come

Hi yall, Val’s birth mother was here earlier in the week. Vera and her husband, Wayne and daughter Shannon (right) drove from Winnipeg and spent three days with us. I had only met the family once before, but felt positive we would have a good time. I was wrong… we had a GREAT time. They were absolutely smitten with our clandestine, peaceful little bungalow on Lake Erie and Vera announced she wanted to move here, Ha Ha Ha. I was really impressed when I saw Wayne had brought his sticks (he had invited me for a golf game when we first met) so I set up some tee times and we stole two days for golf. Travel day came all to early, and, before I knew it they were heading off to complete their vacation. It’s been hot hot hot here for two weeks and no let up in sight with forecasts of +30 all through the long weekend. It’s all good, eh? That’s what living on the lake is all about (but thanks be given for air conditioning…LOL). We spent every evening outside with our guests and the BBQ got a goo...