Jive Talking
Krystle's getting married next month. Going home for the wedding. Yup, going home. Its the first wedding of the Y generation of our clan. Krissie is my niece. Traditions have changes so much from us boomer's. I was the oldest sibling and I got married first and had the first kids.......lets see, Krystle is the second born, daughter of the third son in the lineage from my generation. What does that tell me?? That the Y boys are milking the cow for free.
Anyhow, Cams birthday on Sunday. That would be the 28th anniversary of the eruption of Mount St. Helen's. I sent him a singing card. I thought it appropriate, a graphic of a neo-audiophile settled in a recliner awaiting the assault of a wall of monitored and speaker equipped tunes accompanied by the melody of "Play that Funky Music". I inserted a Blockbuster gift card for two new releases of his choice. He will appreciate that more than treasures immeasurable. Grammy sent him a card depicting a neolithic humanoid animal posturing in the idyllic vestiges of a hammock claiming the species of such insidious practices can only be the genetic lineage commonly referred to as "Man". What does that tell me? Cam is generally regarded as a couched officianado.
Well, I like to
say that I look forward to heading home but there is never enough time to spend and to many tears to hold back, when saying good-byes. I do look forward to the wedding. Its the first wedding in my immediate family in about 30 years, so, picture this, the last wedding we had, included a disco ball overlooking the dance floor and my brother Gary and new wife Joanne spinning and swirling like Johnny Travolta in Disco Fever to Jive Talking. So what does that tell me. I am fricking old.
Anyhow, Cams birthday on Sunday. That would be the 28th anniversary of the eruption of Mount St. Helen's. I sent him a singing card. I thought it appropriate, a graphic of a neo-audiophile settled in a recliner awaiting the assault of a wall of monitored and speaker equipped tunes accompanied by the melody of "Play that Funky Music". I inserted a Blockbuster gift card for two new releases of his choice. He will appreciate that more than treasures immeasurable. Grammy sent him a card depicting a neolithic humanoid animal posturing in the idyllic vestiges of a hammock claiming the species of such insidious practices can only be the genetic lineage commonly referred to as "Man". What does that tell me? Cam is generally regarded as a couched officianado.
Well, I like to
