still waiting for WMDs
Hi all, how you is?? Everyone seems fine on my end. No newz is good news, eh?? Ha Ha.
Well, I never recovered from the mechanical woes that been haunting me since the summer. The car was retooled with an engine that was a few years newer than the host body. trying to fit the car and the computer seems to be like trying to slide a MAC program i
n a MSN processor.......nuttin' happen in. Anyhoooooo, put that headache to rest with a new car. Just got a puddle jumper to fill in whilst my Olds is getting it all good. Called my mech-anic and told him to treat the Olds like a restoration now. Tride and true.....tried and true....tryed and true. The bike will have to get slid into the porch so I can do a tranny kit over the winter.
Hey, did you know the guys who are preaching that global warming is not supported by facts are the same crew that worked for the tobacco companies in the 90s. Some public programming had the behavior psychologist that did all the spin doctoring for the elusive weapons of mass destruction, and, he was gainfully employed by the governments to spin the global warming issue and threat as "a theory" rather than "a fact" when he realized that he was surrounded by the same scoundrals that worked for the tobacco companies, now, working for the oil companies. Whats that saying about a leopard and his spots, well in this case, he promptly quit..........The next time you hear a report on "climate change", stand up and yell, "ITS GLOBAL WARMING". Don't let them fool you. Governments should be afraid of its people, not people afraid of its government.
Well, I never recovered from the mechanical woes that been haunting me since the summer. The car was retooled with an engine that was a few years newer than the host body. trying to fit the car and the computer seems to be like trying to slide a MAC program i

Hey, did you know the guys who are preaching that global warming is not supported by facts are the same crew that worked for the tobacco companies in the 90s. Some public programming had the behavior psychologist that did all the spin doctoring for the elusive weapons of mass destruction, and, he was gainfully employed by the governments to spin the global warming issue and threat as "a theory" rather than "a fact" when he realized that he was surrounded by the same scoundrals that worked for the tobacco companies, now, working for the oil companies. Whats that saying about a leopard and his spots, well in this case, he promptly quit..........The next time you hear a report on "climate change", stand up and yell, "ITS GLOBAL WARMING". Don't let them fool you. Governments should be afraid of its people, not people afraid of its government.