Only 42 more riding days until Xmas

Aye’s da bay dat wrenches the bike, an’ aye’s da bay dat rides ‘er.
I spent the weekend wrenchin and ridin……..which is not a big deal, UNLESS yer a biker aficionado type that relocated from Winnipeg and yer ridin in NOVEMBER.
Well now, I remember when a fella would call me from Vancouver on New Years Day to say they were on the golf coarse, to which I responded what possessed them to golf on New Years Day, and was inundated with “BECAUSE WE CAN”.
I can tell from the edge on the North wind, though, winter is not far. We had a nice fire the other night after spending the day at Joe’s splitting logs and my beloved Val filled the trunk of the Grey one (term of endearment for the car) after her and Joe bartered for her operating the hydraulics on the log splitter (the pic is Joe teaching Cyress the fine art of operating a wheel-barrow when the kids were visiting in October) .
PS: When You commin' back?