Happy Birthday Canada......and kinfolk

Well, did you all survive the birthday party for Canada??? I could hear the fireworks poppin all the way from here, well, when the hum of the a/c was not drowning them out. Its schticky here today. I am gonna carry on celabratin'....I got an email from home remindin me of all the birthdays comin up in the next few days for the kinfolk, so there's no point stoppin now, eh? Well maybe a pause just long enough for a few strokes lookin fore the elusive par over at Oxley Golf Coarse with John and Barb this morning.
Speaking of drowning things out, the seas on the lake have been rough the last few days. I had my morning coffee out on the shore and I usually can spot some good stuff washed up, but pickins were slim this time. That old saying springs to mind about "some yada

Actually, my weekend has been quiet. I did my usual cursory chores on Saturday and ran down to my buds to return my clubs I had left there last weekend. My beloved Val wanted to spend the weekend in town so I dropped her off, after she picked me up at the train station on Thursday. That left me a full unrequented day, or so, after Friday, to at least get caught up on my emails and another day to practice some ball striking Zen type stuff and spend a few relaxing moments on the 19th hole. I have to be in Winnipeg on Tuesday, so I dont have much time left to waste. Yahooo, lets get to it. Happy Birthday Canada (and nephew Justin and daughter-in-law Laura and god son Bert). That was easy. Gotta run or Ill miss my tee-time.