Juice spelled with a C

Hey, I wanna be around for my Grandaughters birthday. Haley will be one on August 2. Take my word, she's a cutie
Anyhow, back to the blog, eh ?
I stopped in at my friend Joe’s a few weeks ago and we poured a coffee and got ourselves all fired up over the big “C” mystery. What causes the big C? Where does it come from? Who spoons it out?? All our lost friends, relatives, loves, workmates, and on and on and on.
Joe says its all them chemicals, and preservatives, and additives, and sugar, and over eating, and over weight, and poor health, and on and on and on.
Well, I don’t know about that, but since I was there I asked what he planned to do about it?
Juice, he said.
HUH? Whaddya mean juice (I had just shipped him a discarded juicer I had left with Mom and Dad back at the farm from my vegetarian days). That’s your answer, JUICE?
Yup, he insisted. He had discovered some old journals on natural diets that had some amazing results in stemming illness that had been suppressed by medicine and pharmaceutical conglomerates, according to him. If you haven’t guessed, Joe is big on conspiracy theories. That’s your big cure for the big “C” I said.
Anyhow, my coffee stop ended that morning with me on the scale weighing in at 239 plus pounds and filling up on a sealer of juice and heading off to work with a bag full of strawberries, bananas, lemons and peaches for the day. I figured what the heck, let’s give it a shot for a few days and stay away from processed food and additives and sweets.
Wasupp with that, well Ill tell you, a week later and I scaled in at 232 plus pounds (I know, I know its still portly, never mind, I will keep going). I dropped seven pounds and never altered my routine except to munch on fruit and juice and water, instead of munchies and coca-cola. Gadzooks, I live in the middle of greenhouse utopia and the roadside fruit and veggie stands are more prevalent than slurpees and 7-11s in Winnipeg, skeeters, or lightening at the Forks.
My most enjoyable moment after all the dam water drinking and juice flushing and fruit munching and veggie gorging was telling my beloved Val, I had lost 7 pounds after all weeks bohemian dieting, and she answered, “you never lost it, Monkey Boy, I found it”. If you haven’t guessed, I like to tease.
Boy, will she be P/Ode when she reads this blog post. Ha Ha, C Ya soon