Coffee cake and apple is good.

Hi you all....Im not drudging down to a southern drawl today. Those US southern conservative backwater politics just abhor me. My sweet lord, they are so out of touch with the American electorate they keep shooting their face off to spite their nose. Repeal affordable care, destroy planned parenthood, bury your head on climate the New Yorker proclaimed, "climate change will only lose the second seaside homes of the rich but it will destroy the only coastal home of the poor". Dumb as a bag of hammers those Conservatives...dumb as a bag of hammers. I got an email forwarded to me the other day demonstrating how they suspect a conspiracy by the Obama democrats to assassinate Trump because he is a threat politically. The only threat the GOP have to worry about is Trump winning the GOP presidential nomination and his racist supremacist phobically toxic diatribe will whip up every center and center left and left of center and right leaning center left American to vote Democrat. The conservative determination to tear the social fabric of the country apart to win an election is considered treasonous in any historical venue. That was the M/O of the Tory politics in Canada that cumulated in drumming out the Conservative wicca and their white anglo protestant core supporters. They believed the baiting of Canadians over women in jihabs would overwhelm the Canadian public to disregard years of Conservative lies, treachery, risk, pollution, greed, mismanagement, misspending, deceit, collusion and deception. It worked on the weak-minded core conservative base that they already counted but nobody else.

HOWEVER, that is not the reason for the blog post. I just wanted to touch base blogwise and reflect on the last month. I spent a week up in northeast at my little buddy Nings village while she visited her folks and her kids (not really kids anymore) and her extended family. I was determined to help with the rice harvest but harvest season was off by a week so my usual participation could not be extended until the cutting, swathing and sheathing was done and my week was up by that time. I was treated to delicious breakfasts by my Swedish frien Tobit who was staying with Nings sister from another mother. He rousted me every morning with homemade coffee cake or apple crumble to have with my morning coffee. I lazed every afternoon in a hammock under the shade of the bamboo trees. I visited the family market every evening and feasted on my favourite Thai dishes for dinner and topped off the evenings with a washing down of ice cold Thai beer. On the days I felt restless I went touring on cousin Layla Layla (pronounced Lay Lay) motorbike and cruised the hills visiting local temples and several friends made earlier in my winter visits.

I also got back into my golf routine and running, once back at the condo, after a much needed week of letting old tired muscles and mind rest up and replenish the old rebellious stiff body. I hate being 63. I ache and moan and groan every time I attempt a new effort of physics or spirit. Nonetheless, I would not trade the years for this life of retirement. It is a good life. I miss my family and friends back home but I do enjoy the Asian style and pace and I do love my Ning.

As the Thai ladies say here Merry Kismet.... and Happy New Year. I'll be in touch.


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