The troll is dead...

Canadian elections finished this morning (Canadas yesterday evening).

The right wing conservatives were soundly defeated. No surprises there except the blue-out in Atlantic Canada and the third place thumping they suffered in Quebec and British Columbia. Good old Danny Williams out of "Windy Harbour" really did a number on Harper, (out there eh) profiling the PM as a backstabbing two-faced liar from his dealings as Newfoundlands conservative Premier with the conservative federal ministries. 

Harper was a goner long ago. The wall writings were visible when the 3 wise men (in conservative terms) Prentice Baird and MacKay bailed on Harper. Prentice mistakenly stayed in politics but the other two were wisely and prosperously sequestered corporately. I initially thought their quiet unheralded departures were, perhaps, scandal management but quickly realized, after the PR hacks from Australia were contracted in (another fatal choice), that it was risk management on their part. 

And believe what you will the Harper racist anti muslin crap played very badly around the globe (see the numerous John Oliver links on Youtube), outside of banality of FOX news, but the campaign strategy just followed the track record of the Aussie hired hand telling him 80% of Canadians are racist. However, the strangest and lowest campaign footnote, or, as one Ipod reported, the devious conservative plan to swing the election into the Liberal victory, was the scurrilous ads to warn of Liberal brothels and marijuana dealers all the while dancing the Tory Tango with crack smoking rehab frequenting supporter Rob Ford and his brother. Talk about your "barbaric cultural practices". 

I am disappointed the Liberal seat numberss were not minority so the socialist NDP could swing the parliamentary vote but it is what it is. ABC (Anybody But Conservatives) rules. 

The tragedy, in my opinion, lies in Harper's legacy. His poor judgement to have a trusted loyal election team rather than his determination to call his own playbook, was the demise of a respectable legacy for his descendants to have to live with. His poor children. Harper's legacy turned from a sound manager through a decade of recessions to a racist anti; women/citizen/Anishinobe/privacy/climate/humanity troll in a 16 week election period he soley authorized and conducted. How does one, who led the country for a decade, live with that after being disowned by his own citizens. Nonetheless, hindsight is 20/20 and I am sure he will survive. Tomorrows a new day.

Ill be in touch.


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