The troll is dead...
Canadian elections finished this morning (Canadas yesterday evening). The right wing conservatives were soundly defeated. No surprises there except the blue-out in Atlantic Canada and the third place thumping they suffered in Quebec and British Columbia. Good old Danny Williams out of "Windy Harbour" really did a number on Harper, (out there eh) profiling the PM as a backstabbing two-faced liar from his dealings as Newfoundlands conservative Premier with the conservative federal ministries. Harper was a goner long ago. The wall writings were visible when the 3 wise men (in conservative terms) Prentice Baird and MacKay bailed on Harper. Prentice mistakenly stayed in politics but the other two were wisely and prosperously sequestered corporately. I initially thought their quiet unheralded departures were, perhaps, scandal management but quickly realized, after the PR hacks from Australia were contracted in (another fatal choice), that it w...