"Our Prime Minister, is a man who can normally muster all the moral authority of Roman Polanski's penis, has discovered his soul." He is a fukkin dick.
"Is anybody out there".....remember that song. Sweet Jesus... it took about 6 hits on Google before Pink Floyd came up. Typical in todays trash video world. They have 3 video channels here in Thailand and the prerequisite seems to be more skimpy undies than musical talent..but I do favour Niki Minaj and her bootie videos. DMM...just getting old but still uhmmm.. never mind. LOL.
There are federal elections in Canada and I stir up shit everyday on Facebook. Couple friends (chumps) keep biting on my baits and I wallow in the sea of language while I "gut them" (terms from my Union bargaining carreer) but really Im just bored and its not even a challenge. Not very humane nor ZEN but hey...I grew up Catholic. LOL. I used to have several "keyboard terrorists" when I was president of the Canadian railway union but I had to be politically correct and subtle....this is just easy pickings now. I am drawing quite a messenger audience from the observers BUT I draw more gracious enjoyment from their comments than I do from quartering laymen.
I am the lone ranger out here for the time being in Asia. All the ex-pat buddy's go home for the low-season and my initial travel buddy went home for the fall colours. I don't hang much with having different interests. I got into golf and running and never really got into the ...well I like golf and running.
I finished dentist work.....man that took almost a year. I just reluctantly trotted my way through the procedures for repairs. I hate dentists and you know....the guy here and his staff cater to cowards but I still hate dentists.
Gym is addictive. I run 5k three times a week and golf 27 holes twice a week. Golf is a ball breaker with the heat but I like it. I lucked out and got some premium R-9 irons for a reasonable price and it has made my golfing much better. My gorilla swing has evolved to a buffalo swing. LOL.

Follow the Canadian election and enjoy the fireworks. Here is a great quote I will use at the right opportunity. "Our Prime Minister, is a man who can normally muster all the moral authority of Roman Polanski's penis, has discovered his soul." He is a fukkin dick. The foreign press call Steve Harper "frigid with the helmet hair"...and it fits.
Ill be in touch.