Just killing time at Starbucks while I download my favourite FX and NetFlix and Comedy Channel and HBO programs...Most traditional networks have gone for the reality crap to avoid overhead costs like ACTRA and SAG pay scales for the artists and writers. The end result is additional customer viewing fees to watch what used to be regular programming. I don't mind paying fees for sports or movie channels but I reverted back to my digital antennae and free tv. WOW..I am getting all twisted over tv. I must be bored. Now if viewers want legitimate programming they will get gouged to pay for specialty channels. Oh well, we get gouged by oil companies and don't seem to mind. We get gouged by telephone companies and don't seem to mind. But, all bitching aside....have you seen the Fargo series. Holy Shit!!
Fibre optics come to my side of town tomorrow. I will finally get internet and quit wifing all over the cafe, library, lunch bar, world now. Just a thought....a free WiFi laundromat. Krikeee I am bored aren't I???
Sunday is mothers day.....watch for the facebook virtual bouquet tributes. I sent real flowers. Im boycotting virtual realshitty...
Ill be in touch.