Last Monday...
Counting down my last week in my winter home. It never felt like having a winter home until this trip. Life is so easy here and I find its sad that com-padres back home never get the experience but... its not for everyone. I don't consider riding a couch at home any different than couching it abroad. What a waste of airfare. LOLL. You do not sit languishing here. This is not for the faint of heart. Three years here brings me so much closer to the culture but no where nearer understanding the traditions. I spent many many hours talking with my roommate and exploring her thoughts and her values and I cherish every moment but I have so much to learn. Some days the differences are unfathomable but for the few gains of understanding I have garnered. I am grateful...when others here condemn religion and culture and traditions but are still failing to manage the spicey salads.. Kind heart Thais are tempered with feisty passionate politics, dominant monarchies, soulful religion and over ...