Thai politics and harms way.
Hello from the land of red shirts and yellow shirts. Perhaps you've seen media reports of demonstrations in Thailand. I have gotten several messages of the stability in my winter home. The news refers to different factions as red shirts and yellow shirts initially the dispute was sparked by a blanket amnesty bill that has since been abandoned. Simply explained, the yellow shirts are Thai version of republican Tea Party (tea-baggers) and the red shirts are the Thai version of working middle class voters (the general electorate). The general population (red shirts) elected the present day government in a democratic fashion and the tea baggers (yellow shirts) want an appointed fascist model government to nullify the existing democracy.
As for my exposure to date, I am in east Thailand and the demonstrations are in Bangkok. So far they have not surfaced here. My biggest issue to datehas been miscalculating exchange and short changing my bar tab. Lol. Be assured I will stay out of harms way. My visa requires a cross border journey within the next 30 days so the political climate will determine my travel plans if need be. May Buddha shine good luck and good health on you all.
Ill be in touch.