The excited expectation of smiling reunions.
Hi there. Just writing a blog note while riding the rails in northern Ontario. I frantically worked through a checklist to shut the house down for the winter and got a ride to just make my train. I have three weeks planned in Winnipeg with family and friends. I have a school reunion I will attend. It will be a good opportunity to catch up with long lost friends. I'm hoping for good weather and my brother lending me his bike once again. Winnipeg has become very bike friendly and I miss my trails I frequent back home already.
Then it's off to Vancouver to fly to Asia. This is my third winter wandering in Southeast Asia. It has become a welcoming thrilling adventure from the frightening anticipation of the first landing in foreign lands in 2011. The skeptical meeting of strangers has been replaced with the excited expectation of smiling reunions of friends, both traveling and local and discovering spectacular beaches. May Buddha bless us all this winter with good fortune, good health, pleasant travels and valued friendships.
I'll be in touch.