
Showing posts from October, 2013 Hi there. Just rode the train for three days and two nights and arrived in Vancouver about a day late. My good fortune to have some gracious union colleagues who bumped me up to first class and a bedroom. It was a long but very peaceful and reflective ride (hence the link for the heading). Great views and epic pictures for the winter album. I have an artist friend who agreed to do a collection of sunsets that ill catalogue. Got decent cell phone signals so I chatted most of the evenings away. Going to miss those chats but now it's on to quick visits in Vancouver with friends and some stellar fish and chips at Mobey Dicks. I fly to Bangkok via Shanghai. Beaches await.  Peace out. Ill be in touch.

"It will be alright in the end, and if it is not alright, it is not yet the end"

Hi from Winnipeg. Its been a great visit overall. Met many many of the old friends and rekindled long lost friendships as well. The high school reunion was a treat. I was reluctantly anticipating the 50th reunion just because...well who is attractively or interestingly appealing after 50 years. Certainly not me. The evening was a blast however when several acquaintances were reconnected at the pub and reminisced the night away. The best surprise was grammas collection of pictures of my granddaughter Haley in the First Nations community of Keeseekoowenin. She was born on my birthday in 2005. I had talked to her a few times last winter from Thailand but the lines had been lost. I was thrilled to see her pictures and very glad my mom continued her usual tenacity to persevere. My usual family tradition of huddling with my immediate family at the local latte junction was not to be this trip. Family conflicts are invasive and intrusive but a reality. It saddens my heart but this is my...

The excited expectation of smiling reunions.

Hi there. Just writing a blog note while riding the rails in northern Ontario. I frantically worked through a checklist to shut the house down for the winter and got a ride to just make my train. I have three weeks planned in Winnipeg with family and friends. I have a school reunion I will attend. It will be a good opportunity to catch up with long lost friends. I'm hoping for good weather and my brother lending me his bike once again. Winnipeg has become very bike friendly and I miss my trails I frequent back home already.  Then it's off to Vancouver to fly to Asia. This is my third winter wandering in Southeast Asia. It has become a welcoming thrilling adventure from the frightening anticipation of the first landing in foreign lands in 2011. The skeptical meeting of strangers has been replaced with the excited expectation of smiling reunions of friends, both traveling and local and discovering spectacular beaches. May Buddha bless us all this winter with good fortune, good ...