Not all who Wander are Lost

Home at last. Weather is still cool but nothing like out West. Man o man that was some kinda train ride through the prairies. The rail traffic actually lost a passenger train in the Saskatchewan storms and a rail freight train got stuck and the crew had to seek refuge at a nearby farm. Mark my word, Manitoba gonna git a flood this year almost like the one in 97.

Went to London last weekend and played air-soft war games with some friends. I was hesitant to join the camouflaged, radio-equipped  armed to the teeth wargamers but it was fun. I told my brother Douglas about dodging bullets in the bush instead of looking for my lost golf balls and he replied, “Wow, from Arnold Palmer to Rambo.” LOL.

Just got the cottage all supplied for the summer with the necessities like land line  satellite, and added some new furniture that had been missing. Got a few appointments to make and keep but those are next week. I asked my friend Val to set up my post winter travelling medical and she did, with a quote directed at me that went...”Not all who wonder are lost”. I thought it very touching until she told me it was a JRRTolkien quote she got out of a seniors magazine. (I suspect it was the Alzheimer chapter...LOL). Cheeky monkey.

I'll be in touch.


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