Hello from Jomtien Beach in Thailand,
Hope all is well and swastee khob as
they say here when greeting. I hopped the train in Windsor on October
16 and stopped off in Winnipeg to visit family and then carried on to
Vancouver for some more visits before my flight to Bangkok on
November 18.
The flight is a long arduous journey
clipping through 15 time zones from the PT zone on my departure. I
would be remiss if I did not mention I get quite confused when
explaining time differences to folks back home..or dates for that
matter. The immigrants I have met here, Americans for the most part,
jokingly claim the flight is what keep the masses away. I can testify
to that.
I arrived in Bangkok and cabbed it to
Pattaya City, arriving at 4am. The hotel, I had destined to stay, was
full so I hoofed it to the Arab quarter and got a room until I finalized my condo. I moved in yesterday morning and, once my
body-clock gets online, let the beach-combing begin. Cheers!
Ill be in touch.