Have steaks, will travel.
I grabbed 3 steaks and a bag of veggies and hopped in the car on Sunday and drove out to John's in Dresden. Ya see, last time I talked to John, he said he bought a tractor.
"You trade in the John Deere garden tractor for a new JD?" I asked.
"Nope. I bought a new Cub Cadet (International Harvester before a series of merger/acquisitions) with a front end loader, a 60" mower deck, a 3 point hydraulic hitch and a rear and side mounted power take off powered
by a diesel engine," he replied.

Now, I have blogged about John's 150 year old Victorian house a few years back, and his two storey monstrous garage earlier this year so, I figgered, I gotta see this tractor for myself. Well, I saw it and got Val to snap some pictures which she has to download yet so I poached a reasonable facsimile jpeg from the website. It is one stalky, burly, well equipped, fully functional, exciting "toy". LOL. The strange thing that struck me on the drive home, later that night was, he never started it up for me. Guys always start up new toys for guys, and rev the motor. It's a guy thing. Oh well, maybe I should have asked, eh? He did park it in the garage, beside the John Deere, while I was busy in the house making cafe. That John Deere looks like a little deer beside a surly bear.
Anyhow, John BBQed the steaks and grilled some potatoes, I whipped up a salad and my beloved Val prepared some cauliflower, and we feasted like kings. John let me fire up his coffee machine and we finished off supper with some blueberry pie and cappuccino. I can hardly wait until he buys a boat. The boat I will get John to rev up. Ha Ha Ha.
I'll be in touch.