Gerry went Hawg wild
I think the word I am looking for is "paradox". I am not really sure. I had initially looked up the word "irony" but that does not seem to apply in my case. Let me step back and walk the trail that brought me to this puzzle.
I had just arrived home from the hospital after ditching my motorcycle to avoid a collision with some farm machinery. I was just beginning the road to recovery from the sustained injuries and getting an avalanche of well wishes and speedy recovery communiques when my mobile buzzed me with a text message. The message was a heads-up letting me know my old hombre Gerry Desharnais was buying a new Harley.
I responded to the messenger that he was jokingly teasing me after my skidding and flipping my Hawg and imagined the motive of his message was to trick me to thinking this deal was true. You see, Gerry and I had been biker buds for over 30 years but he had wrecked his last bike and never replaced the loss, while I had proceeded to ride Harley Davidson's regardless of skids and flips, long after we both raised families and followed careers.

Well, imagine my shock when the message turned out to be legitimate AND this picture showed up in my email!! Gerry not only got a Hawg for himself, but, he got a full dressed FLHT (Decker as the fully dressed Electra Glides were called back in the day). How cool is that? I have been operating my Hawg solo, for the most part, for 20 years. Is it ironic or paradoxical if my FLT (Stripper) pig iron gets written off and scrapped right when Gerry gets a new FLHT (Decker) pig iron. Like I said, I'm not really sure. Nonetheless, my congrats to Gerry for making the rest of his retirement an adventure to enjoy, and, from one "Bro" to another "Bro" wishes and keep your face in the wind.
I'll be in touch.
Call Gerry