Era of Profound Irresponsibility

Well, I don't know about you, but, I am hard pressed to find something as, if not more, entertaining than the US politics this month. I don't mean to marginalise the world events and all their moral denomination, but really what competes with this stuff, eh? The absence of concern when politicians agreed to funnel almost $800 billion into 10 US banks last fall (displaying the absurd US Treasury modicum that paying 10 banks would protect the exposure of the 3 insolvent banks..did you see Citi Bank this week?) adding to the alarming US debt already ballooning from the two wars. Quite frankly I think US working /middle class that are bearing the brunt of these taxpayer bailout stimuli would be better served for future generations from good old English common sense. London's previous mayor Ken Livingstone was quoted as saying, “We should shoot one banker a week until the others improve." Now the US government is endeavouring to inject another $800 billion into several form...