Dark Side of the.......Earth

Earth Day 2008 is a memory......but what a memory. I was laying over in Winnipeg at my folks place when Ma announced we had to switch off the lights to save the planet. "Hey, I am all for saving the planet" I said, so, *click*. I spent the week working in Vancouver and crashed at my com padre Gerry's place. We went to the Casino in Coquitlam twice (we had good luck on an earlier junket) and the picture will tell it all. Nonetheless, after my work day was done, we did have a gas visiting his grandkids in their new house in Mission and commandeering the air-hockey game Santa gave his son Dan, and, watched Dan and Danielle riffing through Guitar Hero, while "us grampas" enjoyed the kids. It was a great evening. Its obvious, our age is getting the best of us. I remember a time when we would have frequented every road house and pub in the nearby neighbourhood, but now we run straight to the favourite neighbourhood Chinese restaurant for the dinner special. LOL. Work...