No Green Bay???

Hey yall, wassup?? Got all the Xmas shopping done? Good thing about living 1000 miles from home is no one knows the gifts were purchased at the Boxing Day sales. OOOOPs did I say that out loud. Yikes. Not to worry, better valued presents when the après madness prices are ticketed. I am streamlining my Xmas gift list this year. Everyone is past the kid stage so it’s just the ritual gifts for Moms and Dads this year. My buddy Gar got right in the spirit this year. He teamed up with the Grinch and they Ho Ho Howd right through his workplace in Vancouver. What kind of Xmas is that with no snow (do they have snow in Vancouver????? no eh? just rain, eh?)?

Anyhow, had to sign off for a spell and now I am back. We got snow. We got one heckuva dumping of snow. Had to shovel, we got so much snow. Had to follow the neighbour’s SUV trail to get out, we got so much snow. OY, we got snow. Going to plus 9 on the weekend though. Oh well, it looks like a green bloody Xmas, eh?

My dad is back at home. He was diagnosed with side effects from his prescriptions, they think. Still running tests. My beloved Val got a job for the season. She is really excited about having her own $ this Xmas. I am too.

Lucked out with four tickets to the Detroit versus Dallas game last week. It was ok. I was bummed out when I discovered the only souvenirs were Lions stuff. My team is Green Bay, Val’s is Seattle and my niece (Ra Ra) is “da Bears”, and not a single solitary cap, cup or collectible was to be had beyond Detroit Lions. Bugger-nuts.

Well, this is probably the last post before Santa swings by, so you all have a good Xmas with the friends and family. I will give you all a special thought on Xmas morning. If your ears tingle when you awake, its just me thinking of you. Peace and Merry Xmas.


Hey Bud, just got back from Dan's house in Mission... White Christmas there. Snow gone by Boxing day... When I got home I got a Fedex note... Would that be from you? LoL... You shouldn't have. Anyway, I'll pick it up on the 27th. Hope You and yours had a Very Merry Christmas and a Great New Years. Thanks for everything... you're the best!
The Jar!

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