
Showing posts from November, 2007


How was your week? I had an interesting workweek. I purposely do not post work stuff on my blog because I use the sight for my personal time. You see, I (and my beloved Val) moved here for work and most of my activities here are work related, so I use all the tools at my avail to make up some, for, lost quality time that I would have enjoyed had I never moved. This week however, I managed to make work a less professional schedule. I had some managers scheduled for meetings at my office, and, decided to include a Detroit flavour to the meetings. I took the Michigan I-94 route to a meeting we had scheduled at the Union facility in Port Elgin. We crossed the border at the Ambassador Bridge and proceeded to Sarnia to re-cross the border and slice an hour off (which back-fired on the return trip with a 1 hour wait at the Sarnia crossing, so we went the long way) our travel time. After all was said and done, we returned back to Windsor in the late evening and planned to regroup the next day ...

See It Now

Greetings, time for me to get outside and rake leaves. Man o man this yard can generate some huge pile of leaves. Its nice to live on the lake and have the shade in the summer, though. I just cant get used to the cycle that this over-treed yard goes through. Thats a lie.....I am used to it, and I like living on the shore. I JUST DONT LIKE raking leaves. Is that an ironey....or a paradox?? What’s the definition of irony? (It’s a rhetorical question, eh!) How about an Arab gas station owner getting shot dead in America while America’s foreign affairs is commandeering oil in the Middle East. YIKES. Did you see the news (again rhetorical). Gas price war turns deadly in Detroit Owner of station killed rival who cut price by 3 cents a gallon, cops say. Norman Sinclair / The Detroit News DETROIT -- A price-cutting war over gasoline turned deadly Friday as the owner of a southwest Detroit station was shot dead during a brawl touched off after one station dropped its price 3 cents below that of...

still waiting for WMDs

Hi all, how you is?? Everyone seems fine on my end. No newz is good news, eh?? Ha Ha. Well, I never recovered from the mechanical woes that been haunting me since the summer. The car was retooled with an engine that was a few years newer than the host body. trying to fit the car and the computer seems to be like trying to slide a MAC program i n a MSN processor.......nuttin' happen in. Anyhoooooo, put that headache to rest with a new car. Just got a puddle jumper to fill in whilst my Olds is getting it all good. Called my mech-anic and told him to treat the Olds like a restoration now. Tride and true.....tried and true....tryed and true. The bike will have to get slid into the porch so I can do a tranny kit over the winter. Hey, did you know the guys who are preaching that global warming is not supported by facts are the same crew that worked for the tobacco companies in the 90s. Some public programming had the behavior psychologist that did all the spin doctoring for the elusiv...