How was your week? I had an interesting workweek. I purposely do not post work stuff on my blog because I use the sight for my personal time. You see, I (and my beloved Val) moved here for work and most of my activities here are work related, so I use all the tools at my avail to make up some, for, lost quality time that I would have enjoyed had I never moved. This week however, I managed to make work a less professional schedule. I had some managers scheduled for meetings at my office, and, decided to include a Detroit flavour to the meetings. I took the Michigan I-94 route to a meeting we had scheduled at the Union facility in Port Elgin. We crossed the border at the Ambassador Bridge and proceeded to Sarnia to re-cross the border and slice an hour off (which back-fired on the return trip with a 1 hour wait at the Sarnia crossing, so we went the long way) our travel time. After all was said and done, we returned back to Windsor in the late evening and planned to regroup the next day ...