Bon Appetit, Denny

Hi All,
Just a quick post to bring the gossip up to date. I spent Xmas at home with friends and family and even caught up on some long overdue commitments, eh Denny? I took my long lost colleague, Dennis, out for his retirement dinner and enjoyed the company of a few of my nearest and dearest Union friends at the same time. It was a gas.
Also got to hi-jack my grand-daughter for a few days and she really plays strange with me. OUCH. It was a good thing my beloved Val had the good fortune of being the "maternal shoulder" in our breakaway with Baby Haley. She and Baby were inseparable until Mommy Laura could stand to be apart no l

My long-lost stepdaughter, Amanda, also was in touch. I was so overjoyed to hear from her. She works on a $40M yacht and was presently docked (I am struggling for the correct nautical terms, being, a railway man and all!) in Seattle with plans for exotic ports of call in the New Year. I text-messaged the blog-site to her, so I hope she tunes in. It was truly a Joyeux Noel.
I spent Xmas Eve with my beloved Val's folks and we spent New Years Eve with my folks and somehow managed to get to see everyone, almost. We missed out on getting out to Lorette to see John and Charlie, but we expect those two "wandering nomads" (they are basking somewhere in the Caribean as we speak) to grab the train and visit us later in the year.
The journeys end came all to soon and the alarm rang harsh and shrill the morning it was time to leave. Nonetheless, the memories gathered through the few short days are priceless.