I am dreaming of a White Xmas
Heyyyy Mannnn, only 24 days until Xmas, eh? I can actually say I started my Xmas shopping this year. I normally spend the day before doing the necessities gifts and Boxing Day getting the "out-of-towners" gifts.
What made me think of that??? Oh Yeah, the sea of red (as in Santa's suit) in Montreal. I am finishing the week up at the bargaining table for one of the National railwyays, amongst, the heady aura of the Liberal convention to select a new leader. Red scarves, red buttons, red posters, red shirts, red red red red. Its been a real attraction for the Union colleagues to expound on their individual theories on the eventual outcome for the leader of the BIG RED MACHINE (not to mention all the shots about the new "Nation" the Tory party "established"). For the most part, its been more of an amusement of celebrity watching for me. One of my colleagues was determined to take Ken Dryden's autograph back home to her family. I took a great deal of satisfaction flashing my CAW attache, bursting with bargaining notes, in plain view of the Bob Rae camp. I have noticed the unusually high appearances of the infamous BlackBerry. I walked into a gaggle of campaign handlers awaiting their candid
ate to appear from the hotel elevator to a bevy of posters and cheers, while, the whole cluster of clean-shaven, gelled haired, y-generation type of political Grit supporters where all fixated on their individual BlackBerry PCDs or their Blue Tooth ear attachments. Whats up with that? Blue Tooth and BlackBerry and Grit Red....Sounds like a chatroom with Santa's elves. Oh well, I am sending my beloved Val home for a White Xmas. Oh, GeeeZ, white, blue, black, red, when will this stop. Ha Ha Ha.
Anyhow, nuff Tom Foolery. 'Member, 24 days to go.

What made me think of that??? Oh Yeah, the sea of red (as in Santa's suit) in Montreal. I am finishing the week up at the bargaining table for one of the National railwyays, amongst, the heady aura of the Liberal convention to select a new leader. Red scarves, red buttons, red posters, red shirts, red red red red. Its been a real attraction for the Union colleagues to expound on their individual theories on the eventual outcome for the leader of the BIG RED MACHINE (not to mention all the shots about the new "Nation" the Tory party "established"). For the most part, its been more of an amusement of celebrity watching for me. One of my colleagues was determined to take Ken Dryden's autograph back home to her family. I took a great deal of satisfaction flashing my CAW attache, bursting with bargaining notes, in plain view of the Bob Rae camp. I have noticed the unusually high appearances of the infamous BlackBerry. I walked into a gaggle of campaign handlers awaiting their candid

Anyhow, nuff Tom Foolery. 'Member, 24 days to go.