Yall wanna swap fer a 100 miles?

Hey, its been a while since I posted. I spent 2 weeks on the road for work and finished off by riding the Hawg back from Winnipeg to Colchester. In the meantime, I closed up the flat in Montreal and said my saluts and snapped a few pics of the "French Connection" (thats Louis on his Road King) and lugged everything out so the place could be prepped for new tennants. Its nice to have the mountain bike and the Hawg and the gear all in one place.
My beloved Val was patient and understanding enough to keep the homestead from getting overgrown and overun, and handle my time sensitive issues in my absence, even though she had a busy and harried couple weeks herself, but that is not my story to tell (check out her Blog "Sweet Peas Patio").
The ride home took a bit longer than I planned but I will never make my next May long weekend "ice-breaker" ride a 2200 klms trek. My backside was not fully committed to such an extreme innaugeral run and the second day was a grind after the first days ride leaving Winnipeg, through South Dakota and Minnesota was borderline frigid until I hit Iowa. Next time I will do a couple pub runs before hunkering down for a long haul. Pops squirreled a Canadian flag in my saddlebags with marching orders to drop it off at Uncle Franks, so, South Bend was destined for a visit.
The weather was good fron Des Moines eastward and I only had to schedule a couple detours for work kinda stuff like conference calls. I got lost in South Bend and called my cousin before I ventured to far off the main roads. Mavis, my cousins wife, rescued me and after a home cooked supper and a few hours of gabbin with the relatives, it was back out to I-80 and homeward bound. It never fails to amaze me how the bike attracts all sorts of folks to check on the adventure of the moment. One car pulled up to me at a gas station in Michigan City, while I was parked at a pay phone for a conference call, and waited until I hung up the phone to ask if I was having a bike problem. "No" I said, "just working, bikes running gooood, tho."
The kewlest conversation, was definately, at the service centre on the Ohio Turnpike when this luxurious, opulent SUV pulled up and hollered from inside "Yall wanna swap vehicles fer a hunnert miles?"
"EH???" I growled (you'd growl to after sitting your body on the saddle for near half a week) and the offer was repeated. "Naw" I said. "Nice night to ride and I will be veering off to Detroit in a few miles and making the push for home".
"Awww-rite, Yall ride safe" echoed as the cage drove off. I wondered, as I throttled out of the centre, where was this SUV when I left Winnipeg?. Oh well, the bike is in the back and my Val and I are praying for clear skies and good weather for the weekend. Happy trails, as they say.