It was a good day.

Hey ....yup birthday all done. 62 is in the books. Woke up this morning to song. "Happy birday to u. Happy birday to u. Happy birday happy birday happy birday to u". I thought why is Ning singing to the birds. Ha ha ha. I bribed my way out of having bday party at shop. Birthdays are abig deal here. However, They don't drink at the shop unless my good friend Sister2 is in from the Isan village. Then she sucks on a bottle of thai whiskey while I drink beers. No Sister no drunk so I was not fukkin sitting at the shop with all those girls sober. I dropped Ning to work with a $20 bag of vittles for her to cook for shop girls and I went and had faranges brekky and stocked up on beers. I watched sports and drank beers and youtubed some skanky videos by Flo Rida and Pitbull and even danced some while I cooked pork chops and potatoes for my birthday supper. I passed out shortly after I ate. Lol. I woke up just in time to greet Ning from work bearing me pres...