
Showing posts from April, 2014

Sour cherries on this cake.

April showers bring May flowers but not this year. April was as cold as a witches tit. Landlord  changed insurance coverage when he save $1k by consolidating coverages. He had to replace the furnace and seal up fireplace by order of insurance inspectors. It took a couple weeks before he got around to the changeout and it was cold as hell here. The weather warmed the day before the replacement was installed. Turns out skype is not free on a smartphone. It took me $300 in overages to find that out. That dark cloud fouled my mood for several days this week. The cherry on this cake of the month was losing my credit card while hobnobbing in my old neighborhood with a bottle of crown royal last weekend. Cinco de mayo will be a welcome festival while waving good riddance to April. I'll be in touch.

Meet me on the moon...

Back home from Boston and here for the summer. I had coffee with CN buddy today and he joined a golf league for retired golfers and I offered to spare when needed. I still want to get back into my bike rhythm but its so darn cold yet. I am homesteading at Starbucks to do some wifi and I think I will stop in the gym on the way home and price out a membership. Hopefully the weather will warm up and I can get the mountain bike out of the gardenshed and ride the trails. I have logged a lot of miles travelling this winter and its time to kick back and enjoy summer. Ill be in touch.