Sawadika New Years

Good morning from sunny Thailand. Just a quick note to say Happy New Year to all. My Xmas was quiet...Buddhists don't celebrate Xmas so it was barely noticeable, but, I thought of you all and, was with you in spirit. New Years however, is a really biiig deal and "dats what I be talking 'bout" (as Gru says on Despicable Me). Liquor laws are fairly relaxed here, compared to back home, so I plan to brown bag it and frequent the festivities along Beach Road in Pattaya on New Years Eve. I found a condo about a 5 minutes from the beach and leased it for 3 months. It is relatively new so everything is ultra modern. It has a private pool and all the amenities. The beaches are very handy and the locals are quick to provide all the services like food, drinks, souvenirs, chairs and umbrellas for very very reasonable baht. I tend to frequent the beach more so than any of the other attractions. Cyber-cafes line the streets and restaurants so leaving the laptop in BC, in lieu ...