
Showing posts from March, 2011

Great Lakes nuclear shipments on hold - Canada - CBC News

Great Lakes nuclear shipments on hold - Canada - CBC News

This or that: Which would you choose? | Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

This or that: Which would you choose? Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Has capitalism reached its limits? |

Has capitalism reached its limits?

Hydro rates skyrocket in B.C. |

Hydro rates skyrocket in B.C.

Chavez Libya talks offer rejected - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Chavez Libya talks offer rejected - Africa - Al Jazeera English

The son also slaughters - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

The son also slaughters - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

A Lambic beer visitor's center...great news from Belgium

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 Yesterday I visited Drie Fonteinen, where I spoke with Armand Debelder for some time. Armand told me the good news that there will be a Lambic beer visitor's center opening in mid-May about 3 km from Beersel. The Flemish goverment and HORAL are the main forces behind the project, which will feature a 125 seat theater where movies of lambic production will be shown in four or five languages. It should be a modern center for the promotion of lambic beers.....sort of a living museum. It will be accesible by public transport. All I can say is, Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canadian unions join protests in Madison, Wisconsin

MADISON, WI—Representatives of three Canadian unions are in Madison, Wisconsin this weekend, joining with thousands of workers and supporters to fight Governor Scott Walker’s union-busting budget bill. Teachers, firefighters, steel workers, state employees, university students, religious leaders and veterans have streamed into the state capital by the thousands over the last 10 days. More than 1,000 students have been occupying the Wisconsin state capital building, sleeping in Senators’ offices and maintaining a 24-hour a day occupation. Today, more than 100,000 people will fill the streets of Madison to demand that Walker remove the sections of the budget bill that would prevent public sector workers from bargaining collectively. “Walker’s bill represents a direct attack on workers’ rights,” says John Gordon, President of the 180,000-member Public Service Alliance of Canada. “Public sector workers shouldn’t have to pay for the financial crisis they didn’t create. We are here to say th...