14,000 Voters Prorogue a Rest Day to Protest Parliament Dogf**ckers

A couple hundred thousand disgruntled facebookers signed up to register their disappointment with "Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament" when the Prime Minister recessed Parliamentary business until March. Several presiding government Ministers publicly marginalized the Facebook group in media reports relegating the networking efforts as "without substance or merit". I personally expressed skepticism at the assessments when I recognized the Ministers as post-Baby Boomer geriatrics who have no exposure with social networking, OR Generation Y cultures (that would be the grand kids the "old farts" believe still watch TV). I got a real good laugh at Winnipeg radio talk show host Charles Adler audio clip of his broadcast reporting on the Grassroots Fury resulting from the Facebook protests. Corus Radio's Charles Adler on the 'media event.' (Corus / CJOB 68) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/blogs/blogolitics/audio-grassroots-fury/article1443589/?cid...