Sweet Summer
Hmmm, where did the summer go?? She just flew by eh? I will tag this my "healing summer" or my "crash summer" or just "summertimmmme and the living is easyyyyy" LOL. My folks dropped in for a visit and, leave for home today. That, along with Da Gar visiting on his Hawg, and my run to Boston to see the new grand kid made for a sweet summer..hey, that's it! Why commemorate the summer to tumbling on my Hawg when I can commiserate a closure with a "Sweet Summer"? O yaaa! Global climatic gaffes and political slip-ups aside, it was a gorgeous season in my region. The harvest is here and the crops are plentiful and the bounty abundant. I have been hitting the fruit stands like mad filling up my Dad on his beloved tomatoes, and, scoring big on the ingredients to inspire Mom to cook up a storm of homemade favourites like cabbage rolls and pies. My neighbour organized a tour of his families massive greenhouse operations and the folks were guided on a ...