Did I mention we had a wedding and Amanda is basking in the Caribbean?

So like I am on the phone with Gramma Marceniuk (my boyz maternal grandparent) to tell her I put Kevin on the airplane in London, when she said Cam got a job. Yahooooo! He had gone through some training supplied by a security firm and had told me he was applying for work (I always told him to go to actors school and head to New York, be cause, you know, he’s Cam, eh…). He works at the MTS Centre. Amanda, after some health concerns, is back working on the yachts and spending port time between her home in Vancouver and the Caribbean islands. Kevin has used some down time (the grow cycles in greenhouses) to go visit the grammas and grandpas back home. Did I mention he got married earlie r this month?? Yup, he and Audra whipped up a whirlwind wedding on her last visit. They have been wrestling with US immigration since last May to get him a US visa so they can set up a home in Boston. I hope that comes soon and this love story will have a happy ending. We are under snowfall warnings in th...