
Showing posts from November, 2008

Is Clean Coal going up in Smoke?

I was exercising responsible news philtering, and surfin my media sources when I came across this in the Las Vegas Sun. Is this a sign that the green conscience of North America has seen behind the curtains of the Coal Industry's greewwashed "Clean Coal" campaign???? "Times they are a changin" as Bob Dylan sang. "Up in smoke Environmentalists say future of three proposed Nevada coal plants in jeopardy By Phoebe Sweet Sat, Nov 15, 2008 (2 a.m.) Sun Topics Coal Power Plant Debate The Environmental Protection Agency’s rejection of a permit for a Utah coal plant this week spells trouble for three coal-fired power plants proposed in Nevada. Environmentalists are hailing the decision, released Thursday by the EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board, as the final straw for new traditional coal plants. Utah’s permit was denied because it did not limit greenhouse gas emissions — and every new coal plant will emit millions of tons of the climate-change-causing carbon dioxi...

How did you like them apples?

Helloooo, did you all have a good Guy Fawkes day? November 5 is the anniversary of the Gunpowder Conspiracy and Plot (and coincidentally my nephew Jeffy's birthday) in 1605. Sometimes I think some governments throughout the world are deserving of a successful Guy Fawkes mission. "Government should be afraid of people, not people afraid of government". I let you google the plot for further details. Kevy and I are baching it this week. Sweet Pea Valerie has gone to Winnipeg to see her family. I drove her to London to catch her plane on Thursday. Man, what a ride, some 18 wheeler operator was playing highway monitor on the trip out and tried to run me of the road while making a pass that he thought badly of. I see why they dont lets us bear arms in Canada. A touch of road rage and my possession of a loaded weapon would have been "lights out" for that rig. For some reason I imagine the scene in Good Will Hunting when Matt Damon asks the pretentiously obnoxious grad ...

Good On You, America

If there ever was a picture that spoke a thousand words, for me this is it. Nuff said.