Companys coming

Howzit going, eh? Long weekend just around the corner..... Companys coming. Vals kin were supposed to be here yesterday but they wont arrive until tomorrow. Vals been twitchier than a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs. The house is spotless and I have done every thing in my chore jar. I sent Val to town when she was told her kin were gonna be delayed. Her mood was heading toward something akin to when her lil feet hit the bedroom floor in the morning, the devil hisself is heard to say "Oh shit, shes awake". LOL. More company is coming in August. Kevin and Haley are flying in. Da Gar says he is gonna ride the train to Wpg and on to Windsor in August. Thats too long for me on the train, but da Gar is much younger than me. He sure is gettin continental...he was at Union school last month in Port Elgin and now Windsor. WhoooooWeee. My neighbour says we can use his jet boat this summer so we can tube and ski. That should be a gas....and my bike should be back on ...