This is turning into one lion of a winter, eh? Its –7 here today and the snow has languished on the ground like a cat curled up in the sun. That’s unusual here in Colchester. Snow rarely sits for any length of time. Heck, two Fridays ago, I walked out to the car leaving for work and had to navigate around a big ole puddle in the walkway. I remember thinking that was a good indication that we were done with winter. That, and the arrival of a few thousand migrant workers to the region for the greenhouses had me believing it was so. It was only a matter of days when the regular wave of workers were leaving homes with 26C and arriving in –26 with the wind chill. Thrift stores had a run of winter clothes that week. The Coast Guard ice breaker had to bust up the the ice at the mouth of the Detroit River to free up for docking. I like to facebook now and then to keep in touch with the family younglings. Conventional means of communication are not frequented by the y generation, and, I find I ...