You are getting Schleeeepy

BOOOOO. You are getting schleeepy, schleeepy. I'd like a cup of BLOOOOOOD. Trick or Treat. Ha Ha. All that stuff comes to mind when Halloween is right around the corner. Folks in this neck of the woods get right into it. Lots of pumpkin jack o lanterns, corn husks, straw scare-crows, ghosts and goblins and now, what with computers and lasers and all, there is some really ghouly light shows on garage doors and houses at night. We had the grandkids last year so we got a batch of pumpkins and gourds and watched the decorations appear. I dont think we have had on trick or treat since moving out to the solitude of the Erie Shores, and we used to stock up, only to munch on sweets and chocolate ourselves. NOT THIS YEAR. I am going to keep a bag of apples on hand, just in case, and itll be apple pie if no goblins come to call. Ha Ha. Not much to report this month. Amanda is still on the coast. I keep apprised of her progress via facebook. Val is still job searching and my Boyz are working ...